4 Men Approaching 30


It seemed like a good idea at the time.

The 4 Capable Dudes were tired of not having a great bar to visit in State College, Pennsylvania. So they decided to come up with a list of 30 bars (their list quickly shot past that number without looking at a map) and visit them all together ... and takes notes... and rate them on a 30-point scale. And, most importantly, blog about them.

Really, only about 4 or 5 bars were ever actually visited...maybe a couple more, but nobody wrote blogs for those ones, so they are lost to eternity. But you can read the early endeavors of Dr. Tequila, Hop Goon, Mr. Mojito, and Sudsy on this tumblr blog: http://4menapproaching30.tumblr.com/

We really did take notes.
Justin R.

Hey it's meeeeeeeee

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